
nushu – female business

For nushu, StudioAugustin created a forward-thinking digital platform that seamlessly combines strategy, creative direction, and cutting-edge UX/UI principles. The website relaunch marks the transition from WordPress to a highly customized HubSpot CMS – enhancing flexibility, efficiency, and user experience.

Our services: strategy, creative direction, UX/UI design, and custom CSS development. The new platform integrates a dynamic magazine, inspiring podcasts, an academy, and an events section, reinforcing nushu’s community-driven approach.

With a well-structured design and smart user navigation, the new website makes nushu’s offerings tangible and actively supports the growth of this unique female business network.

employer branding — employee empowerment

better together


client — nushu GmbH
services —  strategy, creative direction, UX/UI design, css, highly customized hubspot cms
items — website, magazine, podcast, academy, events section

brand design sheet — Katharina Kühn
strategy in cooperation with  — TAIPAN Consulting



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